When buds bloom
The colorful flowers engulf our milieu
It enables us to soothe
We are overwhelmed by its delectable hue!
At certain time when it fall
In nature’s floor it hardly gets any time to crawl
It eventually started to fester
We human immediately forget our delight out if its unique flavor!
After dusk when we observe sky in our naked eye
Twinkling stars beckon our attention
We believe on our beloved interpretation
After death we will emerge as stars to allure your eye
We tend to observe
Sky is the only limit out of our spectrum
We satiate our souls
Stars are gazing at us with sheer hyperbole
Our beloved souls are staring at us
Without making any ruckus
We shed tears as catharsis
We enjoy our presence in nature’s floor by virtue of their blessings
We love to bath on their shine
They exist within us to brine!
How many of us are truly aware
Stars do die in due time without any clamor
Like human after death
They do become cold and moribund and have nothing to bequeath
Only their capacity increase and not allowing anyone to escape
Whoever deceased is captivated within their realm of cold state
Their gravity becomes so high
None could predict when they will explode to make a vie
Universe is truly amazing
Where waves of high and low mysteriously playing a chemistry in our surrounding!
Numerous elements are unknown to us
Like our beloved one who died but remain vivid and make huge noise in chorus
We live out of thee
Who creates us out of their glee
Death is not an end but a new beginning
Like stars though become cold but having the potential to blast with a new happening
Life rolls on with inherent spontaneity with an amazing rhythm which is absolutely fascinating!