Physics is poetry
Chemistry is an intriguing symmetry
One deals with quantity
While others with amazing quality
Physics and Chemistry both are an integral part
Science evolves in search of truth with a coherent art
Physics deals with duality
One diverse into two impregnates our cerebral with a delectable fancy
Physics deals with black hole
Chemistry stands to make sheer hyperbole
When collisions of two black holes produce a gravitational wave
Chemistry makes a ruckus in a human zygote with intense frequency to rave
But physics and chemistry both endow us with the gift of a new dawn
Science thus declares emphatically it alone serves mankind to become champion!
I have seen the external world through my eyes
Light enables me to enjoy nature’s exquisite gifts
I have observed dawn and dusk with absolute delight
Is not it an eloquent testimony of quantum mechanics?
Where sinking and surging out of waves
Determine the physical world with grand tactics
Nobody perhaps knows when and where one will sink
How one will emerge by breaking an available precinct
Bringing change to an available fabric
Science alone script the enigma of nature with myriad rubric!
Numerous particles are still unknown in the universe
When we discover an unknown particle
Responsible for our configuration with an amazing spectacle
We intriguingly named it “God’s Particle” in chorus!
I wonder when science will define itself as truth
Discarding all mystic dispensation to adhere with only truth
When we are able to comprehend
Adrenalin and Testosterone play an emphatic role in human’s domain
Chemistry plays truly an intriguing role
Physics translates its presence with sheer hyperbole!
We tend to discriminate physics from chemistry
Hardly we can distinguish it is just a distinction between quality and quantity!
There is hardly any scope for metaphysics to envelope us
But we tend to indulge human’s emotions only to focus
Thus we are clouded by mere imbroglio
Science unfortunately taking backseat with a loud crescendo!
Being a human when I am paving my progeny to emerge
Irrespective of my D.N.A. it emerges with a new quality to surge
It gradually unfolds with a distinction of quality of its own
New reflections it captures and manifests its distinct quality alone
It alone bears a testimony
It is hard to conclude the spectrum of its quality
Chemistry thus appears as overbearing
Physics manifests its stature in quantitative expression with confusing design!