I feel within me sky
It triggers me to go high
I do possess a downward pull
Sometimes it becomes a subject of ridicule
I wonder how gravitational force enables me to stand erect
Making an amazing balance within my D.N.A. to create and procreate!
Within me I feel how I am engulfed by cloud
Sometimes it brings rain to soothe my soul
Sometimes cause huge pain and force me to shed tears though minuscule
Yet all exist within me and sometimes become vociferous in loud!
Lightening too occurs within me
Motions with mechanical force raptures within my body politic to make me glee
Sound light and heat
Propel to make addition and subtraction in every beat
My heart acts to amplify
I am existing on nature’s floor only to vie
Continuous struggle I make
Just to eke!
I enjoy a life
Endowed by nature with intriguing vibe
My emotions, passions, likings, and disliking
With all I float for an unknown destination to inkling
Having only fervor for my own fraternity
Intending to serve them since eternity!
Death is not a conclusion
Neither birth is an initiation
I am a matter having the potential to only proceed
Evolving with new expressions and aiming only to succeed
Backward and forward both tendencies are prevailing over me
Hardly I could fathom I am accelerating or retarding, but in glee
What a grand rhythm I am forced to comply
With regard to time and space, I am mere a fry!
I am experiencing within me Big bang to Black hole
Abrupt I experience my realm having no role
Where my script leaves hardly any signature on nature’s floor
To make hyperbole in galore
There is no such common parlance
To commemorate my endeavor with excellence!