I came across a drama, where a scientist works with due diligence to invent a formula precisely aiming to reduce the plight of soldiers for a procrastinating war with innumerable lives over a lengthy course. His ambition is to reduce the length of the war and by virtue of his discovery, he claimed that he only had the formula that enabled the length of the war and within a short span of time it could reduce the lives of soldiers by ushering them with death within a wink of an eye. He perceived that it was absolutely heart-rending event to endure the loss of lives by procrastination.
His individual effort and diligence eventually enabled him to succeed in inventing a chemical formula that would kill innumerable lives and shorten the time span of war. When he finally succeeded in discovering such a mass killing design of destruction, he was so exulted that he screamed with sheer joy. It attracted the attention of his beloved sister. When she rushed to his laboratory listened to his sound of euphoria, and enquired about the reason for his elation, his brother described to her how he achieved success in inventing such a craving formula that can kill innumerable people in a short span of time and his path-breaking formula would definitely satiate the soul of his king. He intends to visit at his earliest to demonstrate his acumen. At the same time, he expresses that his intention is to earn fabulous dividends from the Royal patronage.
His expectation is of a healthy amount to acknowledge his diligence from the king whom he gave first preference to sell his formula, expressing his fervor for his country. On the contrary, he also expressed his hidden desire that if he cannot bag the money he craves for his endeavor, he will never think twice about selling it to another buyer who may offer him more value than that of the king. He evidently emphasizes that his prime priority is to make the wealth he desires for his perseverance and he has no qualms to sell his formula, which may offer him a satisfactory package even to his enemy!
After listening to his candid expression, his most beloved younger sister could envisage the catastrophe he was beckoning for mankind and she told to her brother that she too was delighted for his endeavor and told him to wait for a few moments as she too wanted to celebrate this occasion of achievement. Thereafter, she went out and came with a firearm, and without any hesitation, she shot at him and instantly killed him.
I just wondered why she killed him though he continuously showers fervor to his younger sibling. After thinking deeply, I concur that being a woman, who alone has the capacity to give birth to a baby, unlike a man, how could endure such devastation of lives. After all, men have no capacity to give birth to a baby, and neither could they envisage the pain of giving birth to a baby. I guess, she might have reckoned that it is necessary to kill a person who is against humanity and even against the fundamental condition which favors and facilitates life to explore on nature’s floor. The moment I realized the gravity of life and exploration and evolution on nature’s floor, right from prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells to evolve and explore on nature’s floor, from unicellular to multi-cellular, from without mitochondria to mitochondria and its eventual progress, ushering plants to make photosynthesis and complement live to sustain, an amazing phenomena, which being largely disrupted by her brother and bringing catastrophe to innumerable creatures along with human beings, surely disturbed her faculty and never restrict her to even kill her beloved brother.
I just wonder what a great script I came across at my tender age which still glowing in my poor memory! I can only doff off with my heartiest fervor for the author who impressed me a lot and even guided and navigated my subsequent course of life to flare up with harmony and symphony and enjoy the bounty I am endowed by nature as a living being.