It is truly intriguing when they look at the dark deep sky with glee
Since centuries long stars are enticing our spectrum which is sheer fascinating spree
For evaluation of a star and its glory
How in due time it will lost its ability to disperse energy
Turn into a black hole or a dwarf entity
By virtue of its inherent destiny
But it will surely obliterate from human spectrum of firmament
In human’s naked eye hardy human could observe its bereavement!
In my mundane domain
My mentor is my glowing star to remain
I am gifted by his showering of abundance knowledge
Which he acquired from his hard labor and exercise
Just to facilitate many like us to explore nature’s floor for her grandeur to access
He is an axiom
It navigates us to flow without any hazards for his unique wisdom
We sail with vigor
To uphold the unique entity of our mentor
He lives within us
We feel extremely joyous
We sing in chorus
Our mentor is a distinct persona who enabled us to become vociferous
We are just carrying out the continuity
The legacy he left with his distinct entity!
He taught us the evolution from Jurassic to modern social fabric
Where life evolves with nature’s designed rubric
He taught us to envisage the beauty of colors
How nature offers from caterpillar to butterfly with grand rapture
The bounty nature offers
Marooned us with sheer enigma in due time their metamorphosis covers
Equally sound and its intrinsic frequency to explore in nature’s floor to cause ruckus
But my mentor taught me to not to restrained in limit
Knowledge and truth infuse with quest which is infinite!
My mentor taught me that thought is also a material force
It is equally having the potential like indestructible energy in nature’s floor
It transform for evolution to process
Nature along with its variety of species to uproar with prowess
My mentor is like a boon to me
I exist out of his generous blessings with glee!
Tribute to a Mentor