Ramesh told to Rithes, “Listen dear, I came across a short story of Sir Roald Dahl’s, named “The Hitchhiker” where the author praised the pickpocket and named him as hands smith! A socially condemned act being eulogized by the author through his writing and the way he endorsed his act has engulfed our mind and we unhesitatingly aligned with the author’s interpretation and praised his story as an appealing story that bears testimony about how poverty can induce one to resort to an act just to enjoy one’s subsistence.”
Ritesh replied with much enthusiasm, “Ramesh, it is not the author’s duty to take accountability for the social evils prevailing in our society and to mop up it to ensure a healthy life for us. He is supposed to highlight the evils persistent in our society and enable us to take measures to get rid of such vices eclipsing us. We are indebted to such authors who are consistently striving to make us aware of the environment we are living with.”
Ramesh retorted, “But Ritesh, don’t you think that the author was honest enough to make such a description where he emphasized his constraints to impose his own outlook and evaluation? He just drew a painstaking situation where a person was impelled to acknowledge one’s skill which has saved him from the numerous hassles that the state crafted for him. We cannot see the state, but we can see the organs of it which are responsible for our agony and suffering. Who wants to be subjected to such atrocity of state?”
Ritesh answered, “Do you think this is the only way to combat state?’
Rameshsh retaliated, “No, I don’t think so. But, the human welfare state must look after such anomalies prevailing and take the necessary steps to reduce the plight of the common people. After all common mass would where to redress their complaints? Unless the state may usher with an optimistic approach, how will they exist?”
“Listen dear, from your interpretation I may concur that whatever is going on in Gaza on West Asia regarding the battle between Israel and Palestinians, one has attacked first and the opponent retaliates in a harsher way and accrues support from the strongest state of the world. I wonder, if the strongest nation approves such vile advancement which is responsible for killing numerous innocent civilians and children, how long they will enjoy their status at the apex. Stealing did not exist at the nascent state of human civilization, and neither did killing enormously within own fraternity exist. In the passage of time, a complex social fabric we humans entwined and the complexities gave birth to a contradictory lifestyle where numerous people are just fighting to exist and paying the price for their extinction too. But how can a civilized one ignore that the poor children are ceaselessly dying out of vengeance of such an atrocious claim of a state?” answered Ramesh.
“But the warfare technology along with superior intelligence network, can you ignore in a battle one will inevitably win who possess such high-end technology? I guess, that is what your short story conveyed the message, that one who will win, needs to be superior in technology where mankind and humanity are forced to take a backseat out of the witty craftwork of an individual which just forces us to acknowledge his skill and acumen,” replied Ritesh.
Ramesh sighed, “Ritesh have you ever forgotten the stories of history where numerous dynasties ruled the world out of their technology and wit, but now they have just gone into oblivion? The story you mentioned at the beginning is superb and having huge emotional appeal, but it is the technology which only deserves to be prevailed and without which our world will soon turn into a dry desert without any oasis.”
Ramesh wondered and asked Ritesh, “What do you mean by superiority in the field of technology when a huge amount of men women, and children are just dying across the developing nations out of the lack of access to technology?”
Ritesh answered, “This is what I meant to tell you that whatever the example you may cite, the fact is you have to acknowledge that technology is the prime consideration of human existent in the present age.”
Ramesh answered, “I am just wondering when your technology can download the bread! I only can concur from the conversation that nobody can still draw a straight line on a round object. After all, a lie is a lie how many times you may recite it. Cheating, false promises, and causing harm to others cannot yield rich dividends for longer times but can bury one perpetually. Sorry Ritesh, I wonder how we can remain friends for such a long time without heeding that you possess a trait that is absolutely vile and contrary to my values! However, Goodbye dear!”